Thursday, July 23, 2009

Got Carousel?

I had the occasion to ride a carousel a few days ago with my adventurous friend, Roseann. We messed up at first sitting on the horses that don't go up and down. We quickly calibrated and got side by side stallions of rather magnificent proportions. The cheesy carousel music played and round and round we went, up and down, up and down. It wasn't tedious like beating a three year old at Candyland can be. It was downright fun. Exhilirating even. (And the backdrop of Central Park didn't hurt either.)

I'm no evolutionary biologist, but I'll just bet there's some biochemical thing that happens when you find yourself doing that thing you did as a half-awake kid, you know, your version of Proust's madeleines. Don't let the summer get away from you before you fly a kite, play hopscotch with a bored first grader, or read Nancy Drew and see if you can figure out the Hidden Staircase thing before she does.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Read This Book

Compelling and graceful, provocative yet spare: Kate Walbert's A Short History of Women. Ever wonder what became of all that feminist energy - you know, the energy that delivered us the vote less than 100 years ago, or the impulse to demand choices beyond playpens and Garden Club? It's all here in the five generations of women in this linked narrative noteworthy for all it doesn't say or do, including preach or Pretend To Be An Epic. Get your hands on this ASAP and why not help a great woman writer - maybe even buy the book.
Check out Kate Walbert.